tenji ecopod by constellatio0ns
tenji ecopod by constellatio0ns

High Performance Building Envelope System


A Net Zero Ready Ecopod

To achieve net zero energy, constructing high performance building envelopes is the most effective strategy. Building envelopes include the exterior walls, roofs, and floors that separate the interior and exterior of the structure.

Constellation’s range of innovative ecopods are designed to be net zero energy efficient, thanks to a state-of-the-art technology called Harmonic Advanced Building Envelope Technology TM by FerisBuildTech.com, and a selection of high-performance eco-responsible membranes by Salola. Our Eco Net Zero ecopods are more energy efficient than conventional new homes and are developed with ecological and sustainable technologies, which allow them to produce as much energy as they consume.

Prefabricated structural panels

At Constellations, we opted for modular construction using Feris’ prefabricated panels because of their many advantages. Indeed, this construction technique allows us to more quickly deliver projects at lower costs, while maximizing energy efficiency. Harmonic is made of light gauge steel and expanded polystyrene (EPS), and offers many benefits, including reducing the construction schedule by 30%. We chose this construction method because it allows us to shorten delivery times while guaranteeing optimal quality and energy performance.

The prefabrication of panels in the factory offers many advantages. It enables the use of higher quality building materials, reduces construction waste and improves labor efficiency. Modular building panels are also easier to install and transport. At Constellations, this allows us to offer two delivery options: the delivery of finished and assembled pods or the delivery of kits to be assembled on site.



Increased resistance

The panels used in Constellations Ecopods are graphite infused, which offers fire resistance, thus reducing the risk of flame spread. Harmonic also offers resistance to moisture, mold, mildew, and insects, thus limiting the risk of infestation and potential damage.

Flexible and durable

Thanks to its structural flexibility, Harmonic can be adapted to a variety of shapes and sizes to meet the needs of our ecopods, thus offering great design freedom. Since the panels are light, their transportation and installation is more easily facilitated. Ecopods can come fully finished, or can be flat-packed for efficient transportation and installation at site.

Harmonic panels are durable and long lasting and do not deform or degrade easily under the influence of weather and in extreme climate conditions. They therefore offer a longer life cycle and require less maintenance. In addition, they are resistant to water and moisture, which makes them suitable for use in humid environments.

Thermal performance

By using Harmonic, it is possible to significantly improve thermal performance compared to traditional wood construction, which can lead to savings in heating and cooling costs. This improvement is due to the minimization of thermal bridging in the building envelope. Harmonic maintains a more consistent temperature inside the ecopods and reduces energy requirements for heating and air conditioning.


At Constellations, we are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint by taking a reuse and recycle approach. We consider it essential to protect our planet by using eco-responsible and sustainable materials in all our construction projects, while minimizing waste by reusing and recycling as much as possible.

By choosing modular construction, we are able to limit the waste generated during construction thanks to the factory manufacturing of the components, which allows for better control of materials and waste. Our commitment to recycling and reusing materials is in line with our commitment to climate resilience and sustainability, as this helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve natural resources.

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