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Constellations is joining the AMBMQ

We are delighted to announce that our Ecopods prefabrication startup has been accepted as a member of the AMBMQ (Association des manufacturiers de bâtiments modulaires

tenji ecopod by constellatio0ns

High Performance Building Envelope System

A Net Zero Ready Ecopod To achieve net zero energy, constructing high performance building envelopes is the most effective strategy. Building envelopes include the exterior

A constellation of micro-dwellings

After installing its first Kujuk in 2022, Constellations delivered its first two Tenji on December 23. The news requires decoding. Constellations designs and manufactures autonomous,

Constellations au SIVIIM 2022

Short interview at SIVIIM 2022 with the charming Jean Claude Durousseaud from JCD&B Networking. Indeed, Constellations Espaces Innovants was selected among several startups to participate

Catalogue 2022 Constellations Ecopods

During the last years, a dedicated team is dedicated to the development of Constellations. Architecture, innovation, eco-design and know-how come together to give birth to

Rethinking entrepreneurship

About Innove Inc. Episode 21 Having an idea is good, but how do we do in 2022 to make it profitable, and at the same

The Constellations Shop

The Start Up’s workshop space located in Lachute serves as a laboratory for the first iterations of the Kujuk and the various related concepts. There

Reinventing tiny spaces

The Kujuk écopod is the first product developed by Constellations, a Quebec startup that offers a new accommodation experience thanks to a local, eco-responsible and

Why an EcoPod?

With its Kujuk ecopod, Constellations offers an original and pioneering space in terms of architecture, interior design and eco-responsible living solutions. The specifications of Constellations

The Mandala is our inspiration!

A mandala is a spiritual and / or ritual geometric configuration of symbols. The mandala can also be a card in the Indian religions of

What is Constellations?

CONSTELLATIONS IS: an autonomous and eco-responsible tiny house that produces the energy its occupants need while ensuring that their environmental footprint is zero or positive

Website in Construction

Thank you for your interest in Constellations. We are a small start up and are working hard to finalize our website. Check back soon for access to this section of the site.

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