Why an EcoPod?


With its Kujuk ecopod, Constellations offers an original and pioneering space in terms of architecture, interior design and eco-responsible living solutions. The specifications of Constellations first product respond directly to a growing demand for minimalist and sophisticated housing while respecting the values ​​committed by this trend.

Entirely powered by solar panels, the Kujuk have an electric current of 12 volts. The ecopod presents several eco-friendly options, from rainwater harvesting system, to solar panels, to integrated compost / waste solution allowing full autonomy off-grid.

From an environmental point of view, Constellations is implementing a material selection and production process that will reduce Co2 emissions and production waste. The entire Constellations catalog will be free of petroleum products, VOCs, formaldehyde. The interior finish will be based on linseed oil, ensuring the occupants of an environment free of toxic agents. With this in mind, Constellations is currently preparing a funding request from the Ecoleader organization to help the start-up call on external consultants specializing in eco-design and circular economy.

From a structural point of view, the concept of Constellations prefabricated ecopod, is only 60 square feet, the impact on the environment is reduced not only at the time of production but also on the site where the Kujuk will be deposited because the land will not need a foundation. In fact, the structure on stilts can be placed in areas with limited access thanks to its easy transport and quickly installed.

The Kujuk is also ideal for tourist sites. In terms of return on investment, with its low entry price, the Kujuk is reimbursed within a year with its rental. In addition, with the ecopod, tourist areas will be able to offer:
a new experience in an original structure and ecological accommodation linked to the values ​​of its customers.

Finally, Constellations is able to offer a financially accessible product that meets the challenges of the market and the values ​​of contemporary society.

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