Interview with Constellations founders François Turgeon et Gaëtan Serrigny


Here is a small Video interview Directed by Sébastien Delporte. Discover how the Kujuk is Inspired by sacred geometry, more specifically mandalas. Constellations builds small smart living spaces, adapted and completely optimized for their environment.

Constellations offers with its first #tinyhouse the Kujuk #kujukecopod an innovative living space concept to lighten the impact we have on our environment while maximizing connection

From GeoDesign (design positioning for geolocation) to the development of external shells in recycled plastic, from the integration of the vertical garden to the gray water filter system, not to mention the design of the solar system that can recharge an electric car, Constellations wishes, in its own way, to develop solutions to fight against climate change and a self-sufficient garden in times of pandemic.

Constellations #kujuk is based on a modular design that reconciles customer expectations in terms of living space and interior comfort with environmental constraints, such as access to the site, sunshine, proximity to available resources and materials;

Francois Turgeon
Founder and CEO

For François Turgeon, multidisciplinary producer and co-designer of Kujuk, Constellations is a dream come true. In the fall of 2016, he had a memorable experience renovating an old lakeside cottage and since then he has been working on setting up Constellations and is passionate about eco-living architecture.

He brings to this project more than twenty years of experience and leadership in the fields of cultural industries and well-being. His passionate enthusiasm inspires his teams and leads to the success of innovative and significant projects for our society. An outstanding communicator and team player, he knows the strength of partnerships and knows how to facilitate them. Specialized in multimedia production and digital marketing, it showcases diverse institutions and talents, from Sun Youth #sunyouth to the most innovative and ecological developing companies.

Gaetan Serrigny
Co-Founder and Associate Director

Gaëtan Serrigny is our managing partner and designer. A graduate of HEC #hec Montréal in 2020, he joined the project the same year and has been entirely dedicated to Constellations since the beginning of 2021. His training in business administration with a specialization in entrepreneurship and marketing completes François’ founding vision. Together they coordinate the startup with a great complicity and a flourishing dynamism that propels the project forward.

Passionate about architecture and outdoor activities since a young age, his integration into the project was natural. A dreamer of stars, self-sufficiency and a more environmentally friendly society, he sees in Constellations a practical application of his values.

Esplanade / Incubator
Synerlab / Incubator
MRC D’argenteuil / FLI
loan fund
Town of Brownsburg-Chatham
Ecoleader Fund / Grant
Purnat / Circular economy project
Solar Design / Off Grid Solutions
PGA Management / Accounting
Bob Agency / Mentoring
Ikar / Render 3D
Momentum Collective / Events
Strategic planning JL & execution / MS project production


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