Kujuk as an architectural breakthrough


With the world events that have taken place recently related to the pandemic, there has been a lot of thinking around the current model of urban life. Not only has life in the city been questioned by many, but also the way in which living spaces are designed and the possibilities of redefining the needs, typology and parameters of these spaces to adapt to this new vision of “the home”.

There is a strong global trend to explore alternative ways of living as well as a constant search for “restorative spaces” where the total well-being of the individual, physical, emotional and mind are addressed. This research continues to gain momentum with global trends of people wanting alternative lifestyles that bring them closer to nature, simplicity, and a more intimate and deeper sense of the essence of their lives.

Recognizing this global trend, Constellations has invested itself in the active search for alternative spaces that can offer the individual enriched ways to experience their life.

By having as a foundation the sacred geometry resulting from mandalas, abstract representations of the material and immaterial world, as a starting point for the design, and by having the consciousness of the interdependence with the planet and its resources, Constellations identified an opportunity in the current architectural market. The opportunity for disruptive innovation in the field of “small houses”.

This opportunity has begun to materialize with bold designs that explore alternative typologies that seek to redefine living space needs as well as eco-construction, and sustainable and renewable technologies to materialize them. After several different explorations, the Kujuk and the first accomplished manifestation of this research. Our starting point, where our research and our interests materialize.

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