The Constellations Shop


The Start Up’s workshop space located in Lachute serves as a laboratory for the first iterations of the Kujuk and the various related concepts. There we develop our first prototypes and operational models for production as well as, of course, the various architectural concepts of our prefabricated eco-responsibles.

Being close to the Brownsburg town campground, the workspace is also ideally located for Constellations’ first contract.

Constellations is based on a modular design (made in the workshop/factory). The company wants to develop different parts of the house to be delivered and assembled at the destination site. The objective is to reconcile customer expectations in terms of quality, living space and interior comfort while respecting eco-responsibility constraints.

Prefab means reduced production and delivery times because most of the work is done off-site (90%) versus on-site (10%):

● Concentration of factory tasks means less disruption to the eco systemon the site.
● Concentration of energy in one place that can be powered by energies renewable.
● Modularity means that extensions can be placed more easily on the home, eliminating the need to sell and buy elsewhere.
● Longer on-site construction times mean working conditions field” for teams that leave a mark (chemical toilets, cooking dishes, carry).
● Quality control

Site web en Construction!

Merci pour l’intérêt que vous portez à Constellations. Nous sommes une petite start up et travaillons fort pour finaliser notre site web. Revenez bientôt pour avoir accès à cette section du site.

Site web en Construction!

Merci pour l’intérêt que vous portez à Constellations. Nous sommes une petite start up et travaillons fort pour finaliser notre site web. Revenez bientôt pour avoir accès à cette section du site.

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